Monday, February 22, 2010

Just Because You're Paranoid

  You have almost certainly heard about the reaction to the latest Supreme Court decision relating to the infuence of corporations. In a recent poll, around 80% of Americans (from both sides of the two-part divide) opposed the decision. When you listen to what Bill Moyers has to say about the current state of affairs, remember that this is not some alarmist ratings-grabber.

The Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, once said that "fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power".

  Unlimited lobbying power for those with unlimited funds means that the interests of the private citizen will no longer be considered (if we assume that has not been the case until now). I suppose some would argue that this is an extension of the so-called free market, or laissez-faire capitalism. In reality, the new rulers are emerging from the shadows.
  Credit card companies are busy changing their rules to sidestep new legislation. The big investment banks are laughing in our faces as they pay out huge bonus payments to their staff while the rest of the economy self-destructs.
  We have been willing participants in the creation of these monsters. Consumerism makes the task of separating us from our money so much easier. This over consumption burns through the planet's natural resources and leaves us in debt, not content like TV  and billboards tell us. Was it good for you?

I've just just completed a few new designs on similar topics, so take a minute or two to have a look at the latest arrivals here

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