Monday, June 22, 2009

Murder - Corporate Style

The town of Libby, Montana is synonymous with environmental disaster. It didnt grab the headlines like Love Canal did back in the 70's, but it shares the problems of lethal waste and helpless residents. Libby was located next to a vermiculite mine. The vermiculite was heavily contaminated with asbestos. Dust was everywhere. People are dying.
From Wikipedia:
"In February 2005 the Federal Government began a criminal conspiracy prosecution of Grace and of five Grace executives. The government alleges that Grace conspired to hide from employees and the town residents the asbestos dangers and that it knowingly released asbestos into the environment.
In May of 2009 W.R. Grace & Co., along with all of its executives, was found not guilty in connection with asbestos contamination of Libby, Montana, ending what was called the biggest environmental-crime prosecution in U.S. history.
On June 17, 2009 the EPA declared its first public health emergency. This emergency covers Libby and nearby Troy. It will provide an additional 130 million dollars in cleanup and medical assistance."

At least this is the only place where this kind of disaster happened, right?

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