Friday, August 20, 2010

Class War

The term "classless society" is often found in communist or Utopian theories. Obviously, the idea is that everyone is truly equal where classes do not exist. In the UK, the classes can be traced back at least as far as feudalism. In the US republic, great efforts were made to erase the class system (at least in terms of the monarchy and hereditary peers). However, classes are almost unavoidable with our current capitalist system, with wealth determining one's status. Once again, an individual's class can be hereditary. Once again, the serfs or working poor are at the mercy of the so-called upper classes.
Over the last few years, we have seen a more sustained, unambiguous assault on the middle class (in the UK, this would be the working class people and the lower-middle class). Those people who could live in reasonable comfort, maybe own their own homes, drive a reliable car are the latest group to be targeted. We hear of a jobless recovery. Ask yourself who is doing the recovering, if 10% or the population is going to remain unemployed. Why are benefits and services for the poor and middle class always such a bone of contention, while tax cuts for the rich are a sacred cow? Taxes for the rich are at their lowest levels for around 60 years. What do the Taxed Enough Already party expect? Why, for that matter, is the biggest military budget in the world (bigger than the rest combined!) untouchable? Remember Ike's farewell address?
Should we, the working/lower/middle classes take some of the blame for our situation? In the US, we've spent money like its going out of fashion for decades, and now many of us are reaping the whirlwind. A few years ago, one man decided to try to lift the blinkers on our culture of consumption:

Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping tried their best to make people think before they buy. We are under constant assault by advertisers to keep up with our neighbors, to desire new gadgets, to be afraid or inadequate. It is the job of corporations to make a profit above all else. If it leads to destruction of lives or environmental damage, but still makes a profit after any lawsuits, then everything is okay. Their mission is to separate you from your money. That is the system we have built. Only corporations are bailed out. Only corporations can buy politicians.

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