Sunday, November 15, 2009

Six of One..

...and half a dozen of the other. I've already read one article online comparing the AMC Prisoner and the 1967 classic, and by the time I've fished writing this, the 2009 version of The Prisoner will be on our screens. There have been rumours of a 'remake' of the original for several years (sometimes a movie, sometimes a series) and while it can't hope to be better than the original (haven't seen it? AMC allows you to watch the whole series here), the new version has a bigger budget and, I admit, better visual effects. Hopefully, on top of being enjoyable TV escapism, we'll have a reminder of the struggles of the individual (and society) against the state, and the corporations, which might even provoke a meaningful discussion or two.

Fans will find some great prisoner-related shirts here, and for true fans, here's a reminder of the real number six:

I am not a number, I am a free man!

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