Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Be Seeing You

The final installment of “The Prisoner” was shown on AMC last night, and after a wait of several years for this ‘re-interpretation’ of a classic, I’m sure it was a disappointment to many. Firstly, it was a huge undertaking (imagine trying to produce a re-make of The Godfather). Even with that in mind, the storyline was cliched in places and missed many opportunities.
No.2 carried the show, and I think Ian McKellen would have made a fine No.2 in the original show. No.2 delivered some great lines concerning apathy, and the true nature of humanity. He also commented that those who do not or cannot control their desires are easily controlled by their masters. Whether their masters are ‘the state’ or corporations (or whether they are now indistinguishable) was not specified.
No. 6 was a mere shadow of the real No.6 from the original. This was no quick witted, scheming, strong willed individual – just another pawn.
Was AMC’s The Prisoner a reflection on modern times? Is a dream-like, shallow experience which is crammed with advertisements (the irony!), and leaves you wondering what it was all for, a representation of the lives we lead? The original Prisoner was filmed in a time of political turmoil. Student revolts were occuring across Europe and in the US (which would soon escalate to the formation of the Red Brigades and state opression such as the Kent State Massacre), and the tense Cold War struggle continued. Even No. 6 did not know which side was running the village.
It seems to be that AMC consciously steered away from damning commentary on our corporations and politicians, and in doing so missed the point of The Prisoner.

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