Friday, July 31, 2009

H1N1 - The Sequel

Let's start with an introductory video from Fox News(!):

This page lists DoD preparations. "If a flu pandemic were severe enough to qualify as a catastrophic incident, the DoD response could be anticipatory in nature." This includes quarantines, tracking patients, evacuations and other restrictions. It looks like NorthCom was set up just in time - how convenient is that?!

Should you be more concerned about martial law and the Posse Comitatus Act, or untested vaccines which are already making drug companies billions of dollars?
Here's an edition of 60 minutes, reporting on the 1976 vaccine scandal:

Monday, July 27, 2009

Global warming - classified?!

Recently declassified photos show how global warming is changing our planet. The Bush Administration classified the spy satellite photos for unspecified reasons. You can draw your own conclusions about that.
Here is the full article.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Truth Game

The recent talk of another strategic warhead reduction reminded me that I should share a gem with you. Called The Truth Game, it is a cold war era documentary by John Pilger, which exposes the truth about the missile gap and plans for nuclear war.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Fair and Balanced

Did you know that Israel is holding the passengers and crew of a humanitarian aid ship bound for Gaza? I guess celebrity funerals are more important these days. Those being detained include former United States Representative, Cynthia McKinney, and an Irish peace activist and Nobel laureate, Mairead Corrigan Maguire. You might think that warranted a little more attention on the news. Imagine if Iran attempted the same thing. Do you think the US would stand by and watch?!
Journalist:What’s being done about that? Are they on their way home? Will they be deported? What’s the next step there, and will their supplies ever get to where they’re going?
Spokesman: On that last question, I don’t know the answer, actually. I think I have to refer you to the Government of Israel. We can confirm that the Israeli navy did arrest those on board this – the ship which is known as Spirit. We can't comment on any of the individuals or the number of individual American citizens on board because of Privacy Act concern.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Poisoned Waters

Make some time and enjoy this PBS documentary on the state of our rivers and oceans. Its appalling that we still haven't learned. The reports of 20, 30 and even 40 years ago have not caused us to change our ways - at least not enough to protect our water and the species which rely on it (including us).

Click here to view

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